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anchor artinya

pengucapan: [ 'æŋkə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: anchored   kata kerja past continuous: anchored   kata benda plural: anchors   kata kerja present continuous: anchoring   
contoh kalimat "anchor"
  • We anchor to it, we may have a chance!
    Kita bertahan padanya, kita mungkin bisa selamat!
  • He's heard too many stories. He'll drop us off and anchor offshore.
    Dia dengar banyak cerita.
  • No anchor can stop a moving ship.
    Tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan kapal bergerak dengan jangkar.
  • Sir, the wreckage is acting as a sea anchor.
    Pak, sisa tiang ketiga menjadi jangkar laut.
  • Because we need to move this anchor over there.
    Karena kita harus memindahkan jangkar ini kesana.
  • The one on his feet is called an Anchor Hitch.
    Yang di kakinya disebut ikatan jangkar.
  • What gave in, the line or the anchor pin?
    Apa yang menyerah, garis atau pin jangkar?
  • A man has been anchored to our coast!
    Seorang pria telah berlabuh ke Pesisir kita !
  • To encourage contents, we have anchor choice round.
    Untuk meningkatkan isi, kami memiliki putaran Kata Berkait.
  • Maribel Del Mar, anchored in the Port of Casablanca.
    Maribel del Mar. Berlabuh di pelabuhan Casablanca.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
    Sinonim: ground tackle,

  • a central cohesive source of support and stability; "faith is his anchor"; "the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money"; "he is the linchpin of this firm"
    Sinonim: mainstay, keystone, backbone, linchpin, lynchpin,

  • a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
    Sinonim: anchorman, anchorperson,

  • Kata kerja
  • secure a vessel with an anchor; "We anchored at Baltimore"
    Sinonim: cast anchor, drop anchor,

  • fix firmly and stably; "anchor the lamppost in concrete"
    Sinonim: ground,