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bench artinya

pengucapan: [ bentʃ ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: benched   kata kerja past continuous: benched   kata benda plural: benches   kata kerja present continuous: benching   
contoh kalimat "bench"
  • Polishing a bench with the seat of my pants.
    Aku bisa kembali bank menyikat celana saya.
  • Maybe my best position is on the bench.
    Mungkin posisi terbaik saya adalah di bangku cadangan.
  • She's sitting on a park bench, and she's laughing.
    Dia duduk di bangku taman dan tertawa.
  • Did I mention that it's a cold concrete bench?
    Apa aku bilang ini bangku yang dingin?
  • That's going to send Babe back to the bench.
    Itu akan mengirimkan Babe kembli ke bangku.
  • Coach's got me hitting the bench pretty hard. Shit.
    Pelatih membuat saya memukul bangku cukup sulit.
  • The bounce-back will vaporize the bench and me.
    The bangkit kembali akan menguap bangku dan saya.
  • Or I get benched and other metaphors.
    Jika tidak aku akan dihukum atau akan diubah kembali.
  • Blue sky, and a white bench in the garden.
    Langit biru, dan bangku putih di kebun.
  • He had, uh, over 30 years on the bench.
    Dia sudah menjadi hakim selama 30 tahun.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a long seat for more than one person

  • (law) the seat for judges in a courtroom

  • a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic
    Sinonim: workbench, work bench,

  • persons who administer justice
    Sinonim: judiciary,

  • the reserve players on a team; "our team has a strong bench"

  • a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)
    Sinonim: terrace,

  • Kata kerja
  • exhibit on a bench; "bench the poodles at the dog show"

  • take out of a game; of players