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judiciary artinya

kata benda plural: judiciaries   
contoh kalimat "judiciary"
  • The Judiciary can have him when we're done.
    Peradilan dapat memilikinya ketika kita sudah selesai .
  • Within the law, these secret guards bypass judiciary procedure
    Dalam hukum, prosedur peradilan dikelilingi penjaga rahasia
  • Jeong Seong Jin, Head of the Judiciary Training Institute
    Jeong Seong Jin, Kepala Lembaga Yudikatif Pelatihan
  • I'm calling from the New York State Judiciary Committee.
    aku menelepon dari Komite Kehakiman Negara New York.
  • One of you is a member of the judiciary.
    Salah satu kalian adalah anggota juri.
  • To think I learned to shoot at the judiciary.
    Untuk pikir saya belajar untuk menembak di pengadilan .
  • He has contacts in the police, in the judiciary and shit.
    Punya kontak di kepolisian, pengadilan dan lainnya.
  • I was thinking about three members of the federal judiciary.
    Aku berfikir tentang tiga anggota.. - Hakim federal
  • Judiciary Act of 1789, § 35, 1 Stat.
    (Undang-Undang Kehakiman tahun 1789, pasal 35.)
  • There's our intellectual from the judiciary.
    Ada orang cerdas kami dari pengadilan .
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • persons who administer justice
    Sinonim: bench,

  • the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
    Sinonim: judicature, judicatory, judicial system,