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blanched artinya

contoh kalimat "blanched"
  • Handsome pornstar Brittney Blanched knows no romp
    Memikat pornstar Brittney Putih tidak mengenal batas
  • Blanched and then crushed.
    Pucat dan kemudian hancur.
  • BLACK4K. Very giving detect of baneful darling makes blanched teen...
    BLACK4K. Sangat besar batang kekasih hitam menjadikan remaja putih ...
  • No enemies on the outside perhaps, but danger lurks within these blanched walls.
    Musuh dari luar mungkin tidak ada lagi tapi bahaya mengintai di dalam dinding pucat ini.
  • And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks when mine is blanched with fear.
    Kurasa kau bisa menahan penampakan itu dan tetap bersikap tenang, sementara aku memucat karena ketakutan.
  • "The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier" and "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane" are both narrated by Holmes himself, the latter being set after his retirement.
    "Prajurit Berwajah Pucat" dan "Surai Singa" dinarasikan oleh Holmes sendiri, yang terjadi setelah dia pensiun. ^ cipta.
  • It acquired a technical meaning in the 12th century, when the Byzantines began to refer to the billon trachy coin, which was issued in a blanched state, as an aspron.
    Ini memperoleh makna teknis pada abad ke-12, ketika Bizantium mulai mengacu pada koin billon trachy, yang dikeluarkan dalam keadaan pucat, sebagai aspron.
  • The classic way to eat chicken rice. The chicken is steeped in boiling water or blanched till it is fully cooked, before being soaked in cold water to ensure that the meat remains tender.
    Cara klasik untuk menikmati nasi ayam. Ayam dicelupkan ke kuah mendidih atau sampai berwarna putih pucat dan matang, kemudian direndam dalam air dingin untuk menjaga kelunakan dagingnya.
  • These include blanched kang-kong and beansprout, crunchy raw cucumber and Chinese turnip, tangy-tasting fruits like sliced pineapple, young mangoes or unripe rose apples (jambu), fried dough fritters and toasted bean curd.
    Di dalamnya termasuk kangkung, taoge, mentimun mentah renyah, dan lobak Tionghoa, juga buah dengan citarasa tajam seperti irisan nanas, mangga muda, atau jambu air yang belum matang, cakwe goreng, dan tahu panggang.
    Kata sifat
  • anemic looking from illness or emotion; "a face turned ashen"; "the invalid''s blanched cheeks"; "tried to speak with bloodless lips"; "a face livid with shock"; "lips...livid with the hue of death"- Mary W. Shelley; "lips white with terror"; "a face white with rage"
    Sinonim: ashen, bloodless, livid, white,

  • (especially of plants) developed without chlorophyll by being deprived of light; "etiolated celery"
    Sinonim: etiolate, etiolated,