co- artinya
- Of co- - I'm-- just one minute.
Ten... aku... tunggu sebentar. - Have always and will continue to express themselves in co-
selalu dan akan terus mengekspresikan diri mereka dalam - Replica Omega ure Co- Axial Chronograph Series422.
Replika Omega ure Kalender ?rskalender Series 431. - Contractor on site and resolve the site generated quarries by co-
kontraktor dan menyelesaikan situs dihasilkan pertambangan oleh co- - Co- honsting exhibition; Ichihara Lakeside Museum "Yukihisa Isobe - Environment, Image, Representation-"
Ichihara Lakeside Museum 001 Yukihisa Isobe; Environment, Image, Representation - Contractor on site and resolve the site generated quarries by co-
kontraktor di situs dan menyelesaikan situs tambang yang dihasilkan oleh co- - Roof tile composite co- extrusion core layer shielding structure can greatly reduce sound transmission.
Struktur atap pelindung komposit atap komposit co-ekstrusi dapat sangat mengurangi transmisi suara. - SAQ Exercise designed to develop explosive speed and acceleration. Typical activities include co-...
Latihan SAQ dirancang untuk mengembangkan kecepatan dan akselerasi yang eksplosif. Kegiatan umum termasuk ... - The term is derived from the term marca, meaning a "march, mark", plus the prefix co-, meaning "together, jointly".
Istilah ini berasal dari kata marca, yang berarti "march, mark", ditambah prefiks co- yang berarti "bersama, gabungan". - A business cannot survive in the competitive market for long without a marketing strategy in place. Co- branding is a prominent marketing strategy, adopted by many businesses these days.
Sebuah bisnis tidak dapat bertahan di pasar yang kompetitif lama tanpa strategi pemasaran di tempat. Bersama- branding adalah strategi pemasaran terkemuka, diadopsi oleh banyak bisnis hari ini.