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co artinya

contoh kalimat "co"
  • I need a phone. I need to call my CO.
    Aku butuh telepon, mau telepon pimpinanku.
  • So, Sloane and Co. versus Connors and who else?
    Jadi Sloane Coe melawan Connors siapa lagi?
  • Nihon Eisai Co. Ltd. was established in 1941.
    Nihon Eisai Co. Ltd. didirikan pada tahun 1941.
  • The Danish CO ordered them to northern Haderslev.
    Markas Besar Denmark memerintahkan mereka untuk utara Haderslev.
  • Well, Maj. Strayer wants Easy Company's CO up front.
    Mayor Strayer memanggil Komandan kompi Easy.
  • I'm Captain William Hadley, CO of Kodiak Air Station.
    Aku Kapten William Hadley, Komandan Stasiun Udara Kodiak.
  • One Two and Co. have come through with the scratch.
    One Two dkk. telah datang dengan goresannya.
  • That's Doverton Co. Back there on the right.
    Itu toko Doverton Co. di sebelah kanan.
  • Bainbridge CO has until your arrival to negotiate a surrender.
    Bainbridge CO Belum bisa tiba bersamamu disana...,
  • What the fuck are you doing inside the CO bubble?
    Apa yang kau lakukan di ruangan CO?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5