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effectiveness artinya

pengucapan: [ i'fektivnis ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "effectiveness"
  • Quickly established an effectiveness and popularity within the community.
    Cepat membangun keefektifan dan popularitas di masyarakat.
  • Without supplies, their health and military effectiveness declined.
    Tanpa perbekalan, kesehatan dan efektifitas militer mereka menurun.
  • Other evaluations of the UN's effectiveness have been mixed.
    Namun, terdapat perbedaan pendapat mengenai efektivitas PBB.
  • However, its effectiveness was also constrained by internal conflicts.
    Namun pemerintahannya telah dilanda oleh pertikaian internal.
  • A number of variables influence the effectiveness of communication.
    Perbedaan ini dapat mempengaruhi efektifitas sebuah komunikasi.
  • We have looked at our opponents' analysis of combat effectiveness.
    Kami telah melihat analisis efektivitas pertarungan lawan.
  • Others may begin to question the Volturi's effectiveness.
    Orang lain mungkin mulai mempertanyakan Volturi's efektivitas.
  • Ah, I guess you don't know about its effectiveness.
    Ah, saya kira Anda tidak tahu tentang efektivitasnya.
  • Effectiveness should be verified two weeks after use.
    Keberhasilannya perlu diverifikasi dua minggu setelah digunakan.
  • Their effectiveness was limited by visibility and weather conditions.
    Efektivitasnya dibatasi oleh jarak pandang dan kondisi cuaca.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects; "the toxin''s potency"; "the strength of the drinks"
    Sinonim: potency, strength,

  • power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect
    Sinonim: effectivity, effectualness, effectuality,