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enquiry artinya

pengucapan: [ in'kwaiəri ]  audio:
kata benda plural: enquiries   
contoh kalimat "enquiry"
  • Your enquiries are good but your work won't move on.
    Pertanyaanmu bagus tapi pekerjaanmu takkan pindah.
  • Sir wants the see the enquiry speed up a little.
    Sir menginginkan melihat Permintaan mempercepat sedikit.
  • Even the judge has agreed to the police's enquiry.
    Bahkan hakim telah setuju terhadap penyelidikan polisi.
  • After much enquiry, I know she's in HK
    Setelah diselidiki, aku tahu dia ada di Hong Kong
  • NASCAR drivers don't bother settling... with a stewards' enquiry.
    Pembalap NASCAR tidak keberatan berkelahi... dengan para steward.
  • I'm certain they're making enquiries at this very moment.
    Aku yakin mereka membuat Pernyataan sekarang.
  • Sir, an enquiry based on the detection of sniffer dogs..
    Sir, penyelidikan berdasarkan anjing ofsniffer deteksi ..
  • In our initial enquiry we found that..
    Dalam penyelidikan awal kami, kami menemukan bahwa ..
  • Sir, the enquiry is in a very crucial stage.
    Sir, penyelidikan adalah dalam tahap yang sangat penting.
  • This enquiry was conducted over the span of three years.
    Permintaan ini dilakukan selama rentang tiga tahun.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest
    Sinonim: inquiry,

  • a search for knowledge; "their pottery deserves more research than it has received"
    Sinonim: inquiry, research,

  • an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
    Sinonim: question, inquiry, query, interrogation,