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interrogation artinya

kata benda plural: interrogations   
contoh kalimat "interrogation"
  • Sometimes in interrogations, Nick you get one chance;
    Kadang-kadang dalam interogasi, Nick Anda mendapatkan satu kesempatan;
  • I attended his interrogation of one of my men.
    Aku menghadiri interogasinya pada saIah satu orangku.
  • This is starting to sound an awful lot like an interrogation.
    Ini kok terkesan seperti interogasi.
  • Seal the interrogation room, and release the tranquilizer gas.
    Segel ruangan interogasi, dan lepaskan gas penenang.
  • I mean, have you been in on these interrogations?
    Maksudku, apakah kau pernah ada didalam interogasi?
  • What about the General Counsel memo on coercive interrogations?
    Bagaimana Umum Counsel memo pada... memaksa interogasi?
  • How soon after you were taken did the interrogations begin?
    Berapa lama interogasinya dimulai setelah penangkapanmu?
  • And you were part of those interrogations, weren't you?
    Dan Anda adalah bagian mereka interogasi, bukan?
  • Carrie, I want you to run the interrogation.
    Carrie, aku mau kau yang lakukan interogasi itu.
  • People had to make their own interrogation rooms.
    Orang - orang harus membuat Kamar interogasinya sendiri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
    Sinonim: question, inquiry, enquiry, query,

  • formal systematic questioning
    Sinonim: examination, interrogatory,

  • a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
    Sinonim: question, interrogative, interrogative sentence,

  • a transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder