Masuk Daftar

interrogated artinya

contoh kalimat "interrogated"
  • You interrogated Arthur Bernard for days, without results.
    Kau menginterogasi Arthur Bernard selama berhari-hari, tanpa hasil.
  • They interrogated me earlier, but I said nothing.
    Mereka menginterogasi saya sebelumnya, tapi aku mengatakan apa-apa.
  • I don't appreciate being interrogated, agent Gibbs.
    I don apos; t menghargai diinterogasi, agen Gibbs.
  • He's being interrogated by a Consulate field officer.
    Dia sedang diinterogasi oleh petugas lapangan Konsulat.
  • You'll be interrogated by an agent of a foreign government.
    Kamu akan diinterogasi oleh agen pemerintah asing.
  • I did not come here to be interrogated.
    Aku tidak datang ke sini untuk diinterogasi.
  • Chance favors the prepared mind. Who interrogated you?
    bantuan kesempatan disipakan di pikiran siapa yg mengintrograsi mu?
  • They interrogated me continuously for three days in their own style.
    Mereka menginterogasiku terus-menerus selama tiga hari.
  • He was interrogated at the end of May 1945.
    Dia diinterogasi di akhir Mei 1945.
  • I spent most of the 17th century being interrogated.
    Aku menghabisakan masa di tahun 1700-an dengan diintrogasi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5