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exportation artinya

pengucapan: [ ˌekspɔ:'teiʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: exportations   
contoh kalimat "exportation"
  • Georges Beuchat received the Exportation Award in 1961.
    Georges Beuchat menerima “Exportation Award” tahun 1961.
  • Beyond 0.1 billion US Dollars Exportation Amount
    Di luar 0,1 miliar Dolar AS Ekspor Jumlah
  • Package Properly packed for ocean freight exportation
    Paket Dikemas dengan benar untuk ekspor pengangkutan laut
  • Exportation and Shipping 6 pemandangan CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINexport ducumentexportation dpcument
    Exportation and Shipping 7 pemandangan AMS applicationISF application
  • 5 Rich Experience in Exportation for Over 10 Years
    5 Pengalaman Kaya dalam Ekspor selama Lebih Dari 10 Tahun
  • Packing Properly packed for ocean freight exportation in containers
    Pengepakan Dipasangkan dengan benar untuk ekspor barang laut dalam kontainer
  • Properly packed for ocean freight exportation in 20' ' containers
    Dikemas dengan benar untuk ekspor barang laut dalam kemasan 20 ''
  • 2018.05 Started exportation to Australia, Canada, Pakistan, and Nigeria in Africa
    2018.05 Memulai ekspor ke Australia, Kanada, Pakistan, dan Nigeria di Afrika
  • Now, it is the exportation of labor that is on the rise in the Caribbean.
    Nyatanya, kemajuan Internet berjalan seiring dengan peningkatan teror di dunia maya.
  • Vietnam is an important mining export country in Asia, especially the exportation of Limestone, iron…
    Vietnam merupakan negara ekspor pertambangan penting di Asia, terutama ekspor batu kapur, bijih besi,…
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • the commercial activity of selling and shipping goods to a foreign country
    Sinonim: exporting,

  • commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
    Sinonim: export,