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exporting artinya

contoh kalimat "exporting"
  • Kentucky and Tennessee joined the slave exporting states.
    Kentucky and Tennessee menjadi negara bagian pengekspor budak.
  • Brazil is exporting know-how to the world's most powe?ul country.
    Berharap hari ini semuanya berubah.
  • He could be exporting them to China.
    ..di AS. Dia bisa mengekspor mereka ke Cina.
  • We should make bets on what the Yakuza are exporting.
    Kita harus bertaruh apa yang diekspor Yakuza.
  • Tonight Love is exporting the Speed inhaler consignment
    Malam ini Love mengekspor pengiriman inhaler Speed.
  • I have connections with Chechens exporting cars.
    AKu punya koneksi dengan pengeksporan mobil Chechens.
  • Zanussi has been exporting products from Italy since 1946.
    Produk dari Zanussi telah diekspor dari Italia sejak 1946.
  • ..were exporting to the foreign countries..
    .. Yang mengekspor ke negara-negara asing ..
  • By 1900 the country was exporting 24,301,452 tons of rubber.
    Pada tahun 1900, negara ini mengekspor 24.301.452 ton karet.
  • Well, birchwood and clear wood, they're exactly 2-by-4 for exporting.
    Well, birchwood dan clear wood, itu benar-benar duaperempat untuk diekspor.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the commercial activity of selling and shipping goods to a foreign country
    Sinonim: exportation,