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metro artinya

contoh kalimat "metro"
  • When I sat in the metro in London..
    Ketika saya duduk di metro di London ..
  • Caught me coming right out of the Metro.
    Caught me coming right out of the Metro.
  • They've already got a guy on the metro desk.
    Mereka sudah punya orang di bagian metro.
  • He took the name Metro Man, defender of Metrocity.
    Dia memilih nama Metro Man, pembela Metrocity.
  • Never thought Metro Man was the gloating type.
    Tak ku kira Metro Man tipe orang sombong.
  • Traffic lights are out throughout the metro area.
    Lampu lalu lintas berada diluar wilayah seluruh metro.
  • Metro police came to us with solid evidence.
    Polisi Metro datang kepada kami dengan bukti kuat.
  • To inform the Metro Police on finding
    .. Untuk menginfokan pada Polisi Metro jika menemukan ..
  • How can you not have a Metro card?
    Bagaimana bisa kau tak punya kartu Metro ?
  • The water is a problem for, throughout the metro area.
    Air masalah bagi, seluruh wilayah metro.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city); "in Paris the subway system is called the `metro'' and in London it is called the `tube'' or the `underground''"
    Sinonim: tube, underground, subway system, subway,