tube artinya
pengucapan: [ 'tju:b ] audio:
kata kerja past tense: tubed kata kerja past continuous: tubed kata benda plural: tubes kata kerja present continuous: tubing
- saluran
- tabung
- tiub
- pembuluh
- pipa
- terowongan
- bandar
- tuba
- angkutan cepat
- slang
- selang
- teropong
- metro
- salur
- kereta bawah tanah
- adjusting-tube: pipa penetap
- axle tube: tabungporos belakang
- baffled tube: penyempitan pipa
- ball tube: tabung bulat
- baly tube: tabung baly
- bamboo tube: air bambu
- blow tube: sumpit
- boob tube: jaringan televisi; teve; televisi; pesawat televisi
- brass tube: pipa loyang
- broca tube: tabung broca
- bronchial tube: saluran pernapasan; bronkus
- bulb-tube: labu-kaca
- capillary tube: pipa kapiler
- cement tube: tabung semen
- circulation-tube: pipa-edar
- He chucked that to the tube to the inside
Ayo, lemparkan itu ke dalam tong sampah. - Once you're aloft, the voice tube won't work.
Saat kalian diatas, saluran ini tidak akan bekerja. - I wanna slip my tube steak into your sister.
Aku ingin menusukkan stik ini ke adikmu. - Get a bamboo tube from the storage room first
Ambil tabung bambu dulu dari ruang penyimpanan. - The new time-circuit control tubes are warmed up.
Pipa kontrol sirkuit waktu yang baru sudah dipanaskan. - Just one in the stern tube, which is busted.
Hanya satu dalam tabung buritan, yang rusak. - It is pure evil personified in a test tube.
Benda itu adalah iblis yang tidak terlihat. - Get the chest tubes ready Prepare some blood
Ambil tabung oksigen dan siapkan beberapa kantong darah - The test tube human afflicted with rapid aging.
Hasil tes bayi tabung yang menderita penuaan dini. - You mean push the tube over and break it? - Yeah.
Maksudmu mendorong pipanya dan memecahkannya?
- Kata benda
- an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city); "in Paris the subway system is called the `metro'' and in London it is called the `tube'' or the `underground''"
Sinonim: metro, underground, subway system, subway, - conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases
Sinonim: tubing, - electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
Sinonim: vacuum tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valve, - (anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure
Sinonim: tube-shaped structure, - a hollow cylindrical shape
Sinonim: pipe, Kata kerja - place or enclose in a tube
- ride or float on an inflated tube; "We tubed down the river on a hot summer day"
- convey in a tube; "inside Paris, they used to tube mail"
- provide with a tube or insert a tube into