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streetcar artinya

pengucapan: [ 'stri:tkɑ: ]  audio:
kata benda plural: streetcars   
contoh kalimat "streetcar"
  • The name of that streetcar that bangs through the quarter.
    Nama trem bahwa poni melalui triwulan.
  • There will be no retaliation for the streetcar incident.
    Tidak akan ada pembalasan atas insiden trem.
  • They were all connected to the device under the streetcar.
    Semuanya terhubung ke peralatan dibawah trem.
  • Dying on a streetcar while dancing to Y.M.C.A.
    Mati di trem sambil menari dg iringan Y.M.C.A.
  • You made me ride the whole streetcar line.
    Kau membuat aku berkendara sepanjang garis jalan raya.
  • I'll go to the library on the streetcar.
    Aku akan ke perpustakaan pakai angkutan umum.
  • Have you ever ridden on that streetcar?
    Apakah Anda pernah dikendarai di trem itu?
  • You shut down the power, the streetcar comes to a stop.
    Matikan saja listriknya, trem itu akan berhenti.
  • Mom, it's an ancient streetcar token.
    Ibu, ada suvenir trem tua.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5