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tram artinya

pengucapan: [ træm ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "tram"
  • But the head of the tram union was deported.
    Tapi ketua kesatuan trem telah dihantar pulang.
  • Ride in the tram tracks, don't look both ways.
    Bersepeda di lintasan. Jangan melihat kedua arah.
  • The tram tour will start in a few minutes.
    Tur trem akan dimulai beberapa menit lagi.
  • Did you let him go up on the tram?
    Apa kamu mengijinkannya naik ke tram?
  • And the tram came to Calcutta the same year.
    Dan trem datang ke Calcutta tahun yang sama.
  • The original tram network finally closed in 1966.
    Jaringan trem aslinya akhirnya ditutup pada 1966.
  • In 1904, the tram system first got into service.
    Pada tahun 1904, sistem trem pertama kali beroperasi.
  • There is a 20-seater tram within the mall.
    Terdapat tram berkapasitas 20 tempat duduk di dalam mal.
  • Tell the operator to restart the tram.
    Katakan pada operator untuk menyalakan kembali tramnya.
  • Zoom in on the tram. Bourne's on the tram.
    Bourne ada di trem itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity
    Sinonim: streetcar, tramcar, trolley, trolley car,

  • a four-wheeled wagon that runs on tracks in a mine; "a tramcar carries coal out of a coal mine"
    Sinonim: tramcar,

  • a conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers
    Sinonim: tramway, aerial tramway, cable tramway, ropeway,

  • Kata kerja
  • travel by tram