throughout artinya
pengucapan: [ θru(:)'aut ] audio:
- berth throughout: jumlah persandaran dipelabuhan
- throughout the book: dalam keseluruhan isi buku
- throughout the world: di seluruh dunia
- throughout the year: sepanjang tahun
- throughout this book: dalam buku ini
- list of largest cities throughout history: daftar kota terbesar sepanjang sejarah
- through-the-lens metering: pengukuran cahaya melalui lensa
- through-shine: tembus cahaya; agak tembus pandang
- through years: bertahun-tahun
- through with: selesai; terbuat; siap; putus; habis
- through whom: melalui siapa
- Social commentary and irreverence rise throughout the 70s.
Komentar sosial dan cemoohaan naik sepanjang tahun 70-an. - Throughout the making of a movie at Pixar, the story evolves.
Sepanjang produksi, ada perubahan cerita. - "that a quest be instituted throughout..."
"Adalah sebuah upaya pencarian yang telah disahkan dan akan ditelusuri..." - The crow is a permanent resident throughout its range.
Gagak adalah penduduk tetap di seluruh jangkauan. - I'm finding them throughout the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.
Aku menemukannya lewat sistem kardiovaskular dan pulmonari. - Hearts have grown hard throughout the land.
Hati manusia telah tumbuh menjadi keras di tempat ini. - You can conceal them throughout the bug house.
Anda dapat menyembunyikan mereka di seluruh rumah bug. - No, but we tested the air throughout the hotel.
Tidak, tapi kami menguji udara seluruh hotel. - And there's subsistence throughout the damaged area.
Dan ada korban masih hidup di sekitar lokasi bencana. - We're getting reports throughout the European continent.
Receive hundreds of reports across Europe, the same thing.
- Keterangan
- from first to last; "the play was excellent end-to-end"
Sinonim: end-to-end, end-to-end, - used to refer to cited works
Sinonim: passim, passim, - from first to last; "the play was excellent end-to-end"
Sinonim: end-to-end, end-to-end, - used to refer to cited works
Sinonim: passim, passim,