memberlakukan bahasa Inggris
- memberlakukan lagi: reenacted; reenacting
- memberkati: bless; bless with; blessed; blessed with; blessing; blessing with; blest; blest with; endow; endowed; endowing; hallow; sign; sanctify; consecrate
- memberkas: bind; tie up; attach; obligate; cop; nab; apprehend; oblige; stick to; tie down; adhere; hold; tie; bond; truss; collar; stick; constipate; pick up; nail; arrest; hold fast
- memberitakan: reported on; reporting on; describe; cover; account; report; inform
- memberondong: strafe; strafed; strafing; bombard; pepper; rake
- memberitahukan setuju atau tidak: declare against; declare for; declaring against; declaring for
- memberondongkan: rap out; volley
- memberitahukan setuju atau tid: declared against; declared for
- memberongsang: break open; erupt; flare; burst out; angry; irrupt; flare up
- Don't carry a lot of weight with the men yet.
Belum bisa memberlakukan peraturan pada mereka. - We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately.
Kami ingin memberlakukan jam malam, secara efektif secepatnya. - Reagan imposed economic sanctions on Poland in response.
Untuk menanggapinya, Reagan memberlakukan sanksi ekonomi terhadap Polandia. - You can't serve papers on a rat, baby sister.
Kau tak bisa memberlakukan hukum pada tikus, Nak. - General Taylor declared martial law about an hour ago.
Jendral Taylor memberlakukan hukum Darurat Militer sejam lalu. - I will put this city under curfew
Aku akan memberlakukan jam malam di kota ini. - Other than imposing martial law and suspending constitutional rights.
Selain memberlakukan darurat militer dan menangguhkan hak konstitusional. - The Vichy government enacted a number of racial laws.
Pemerintah Vichy memberlakukan sejumlah hukum rasial. - In 1979 Pakistan instituted the Hudood Ordinances.
Pada tahun 1979 Pakistan memberlakukan Tata cara Hudud. - Are you saying that you want to invoke Clause 209?
Apa kau mengatakan kau mau memberlakukan klausul 209?
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