memberondongkan bahasa Inggris
- memberondong: strafe; strafed; strafing; bombard; pepper; rake
- memberlakukan lagi: reenacted; reenacting
- memberongsang: break open; erupt; flare; burst out; angry; irrupt; flare up
- memberlakukan: enforce; put into effect; clamp
- memberontak: mutinied; mutinous; mutiny; mutinying; rebel; rebeled; rebeling; rebelled; rebelling; revolt; revolted; revolting; rising against; rose against; take the bit into mouth; insurgent; rise; struggle; f
- memberkati: bless; bless with; blessed; blessed with; blessing; blessing with; blest; blest with; endow; endowed; endowing; hallow; sign; sanctify; consecrate
- membersih-bersihkan: wash up; washed up; washing up
- memberkas: bind; tie up; attach; obligate; cop; nab; apprehend; oblige; stick to; tie down; adhere; hold; tie; bond; truss; collar; stick; constipate; pick up; nail; arrest; hold fast
- membersihkan: clean; clean off; clean out; cleaned; cleaning off; cleanse; cleansed; clear cut; clearing cut; keeping clear of; moppingup; purge; purged; purging; purified; purify; purifying; rid; ridding; rub up
- How did she find out? If Mom knows, who else? Billy would be pissed that I was ploughing his mom, not to mention how his dad, her husband, the ex-college football player turned Neo-Nazi, sporting goods salesman who does a very good business in shotguns might feel.
Bagaimana dia tahu, dan ibu tahu siapa lagi belum lagi dia sudah mati, suaminya mantan pemain football universitas berubah menjadi neonazi, dan memberondongkan senapan di lapangan.