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memberondong bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memberondong"
  • memberlakukan lagi:    reenacted; reenacting
  • memberlakukan:    enforce; put into effect; clamp
  • memberondongkan:    rap out; volley
  • memberkati:    bless; bless with; blessed; blessed with; blessing; blessing with; blest; blest with; endow; endowed; endowing; hallow; sign; sanctify; consecrate
  • memberongsang:    break open; erupt; flare; burst out; angry; irrupt; flare up
  • memberkas:    bind; tie up; attach; obligate; cop; nab; apprehend; oblige; stick to; tie down; adhere; hold; tie; bond; truss; collar; stick; constipate; pick up; nail; arrest; hold fast
  • memberontak:    mutinied; mutinous; mutiny; mutinying; rebel; rebeled; rebeling; rebelled; rebelling; revolt; revolted; revolting; rising against; rose against; take the bit into mouth; insurgent; rise; struggle; f
  • memberitakan:    reported on; reporting on; describe; cover; account; report; inform
  • membersih-bersihkan:    wash up; washed up; washing up
  • Big hooks to the body and the head!
    Dia memberondong pukulan ke tubuh dan kepalanya.
  • Kick down the door and start spraying bullets?
    Menerobos pintu dan mulai memberondong peluru?
  • Put your gun down and your hands up.
    Letakkan memberondong dan tangan Anda.
  • Sir, they're lighting'us up like a firestorm!
    Pak, mereka memberondong kami seperti badai
  • Taliban come down on us like piss rain.
    Taliban memberondong kami seperti hujan.
  • These blokes arrived and began fucking shit up, started shooting everything insight
    Mereka tiba-tiba muncul. - Mulai tapi memberondong.
  • God, I would love to rake her over the coals.
    Astaga, aku akan senang sekali memberondong dia ke atas bara.
  • When the music ends, Mortimer shoots first, killing Indio.
    Selesai musik, dan Mortimer menarik lebih banyak orang dan memberondong Indio.
  • After the five days were up, King Henry began to barrage the town.
    Setelah 5 hari berakhir, Raja Henry mulai memberondong kota itu.
  • Japanese planes would also accompany the infantry and strafe Chinese reinforcements.
    Pesawat-pesawat Jepang kemudian juga akan menemani infantri dan memberondong pasukan-pasukan pengganti Tiongkok.
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