mencecerkan bahasa Inggris
- mencecar . terus: plied with; ply with
- mencecar: hit
- mencedera dengan tidak sengaja: accidentally injure
- mencecah: brush; shave; rake; reach; sweep; crease; reach out; graze
- mencederai: maim; injure; offend; spite; bruise; wound; hurt
- menceburkan diri: plop down; plopped down; plopping down
- mencederakan: harm; mutilate; ache; hurt; bruise; injure; smart; wound; mar; spite; offend
- menceburkan: souse; soused; sousing; dabble; drop
- mencedok: ladle; spoon out; spoon; bucket; serve; take out; lift; dish; scoop out; serve up; assume; scoop; dish up; plagiarize; plagiarise; scoop up; crib; lift out; dish out; usurp; seize; take up; arrogate
- You could've splattered your brains on the building's side.
Kau akan mencecerkan isi otakmu di dinding gedung itu. - And they burst, and they spill their guts into the bread.
Pati akan pecah, dan mencecerkan cairan mereka ke dalam roti. - I mean, they could have spread the body parts all around.
Maksudku, bisa saja mereka mencecerkan bagian tubuh ke mana - mana.