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mencederakan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mencederakan"
  • mencederai:    maim; injure; offend; spite; bruise; wound; hurt
  • mencedera dengan tidak sengaja:    accidentally injure
  • mencedok:    ladle; spoon out; spoon; bucket; serve; take out; lift; dish; scoop out; serve up; assume; scoop; dish up; plagiarize; plagiarise; scoop up; crib; lift out; dish out; usurp; seize; take up; arrogate
  • mencecerkan:    spill
  • mencegah:    avert; averting; baulk; forestall; forestalled; forestalling; keeping from; kept from; preclude; prevent; prevented; preventing; revent; shutting out; take precautions against; bar; discourage; diss
  • mencecar . terus:    plied with; ply with
  • mencegah dari menghalangi:    prevent from; prevented from; preventing from
  • mencecar:    hit
  • mencegah kelaparan:    keep the wolf from the door; keeping the wolf from the door; kept the wolf from the door
  • If I'm thinking about hurting a person then..
    Jika saya berfikir tentang mencederakan seseorang kemudian ..
  • I'm afraid you might hurt yourself, Regan.
    Saya takut kamu mungkin mencederakan diri sendiri, Regan.
  • I don't like slicing people with swords
    Aku tidak gemar mencederakan org dgn pedang
  • Won't hurt live ones, will hurt us.
    Takkan mencederakan orang hidup, boleh cederakan kita.
  • We're not here to hurt you.
    Kami kesini bukan untuk mencederakan awak.
  • You fucking hurt my sister. Huh? !
    Awak mencederakan kakak saya, hah?
  • We won't hurt you.
    Kami tidak akan mencederakan anda.
  • I don't want to hurt the hand used for signing.
    Saya tanya kerana saya tak mahu mencederakan tangan yang awak gunakan untuk menandatangan.