mencedok bahasa Inggris
- ladle
- spoon out
- spoon
- bucket
- serve
- take out
- lift
- dish
- scoop out
- serve up
- assume
- scoop
- dish up
- plagiarize
- plagiarise
- scoop up
- crib
- lift out
- dish out
- usurp
- seize
- take up
- arrogate
- take over
- mencederakan: harm; mutilate; ache; hurt; bruise; injure; smart; wound; mar; spite; offend
- mencederai: maim; injure; offend; spite; bruise; wound; hurt
- mencegah: avert; averting; baulk; forestall; forestalled; forestalling; keeping from; kept from; preclude; prevent; prevented; preventing; revent; shutting out; take precautions against; bar; discourage; diss
- mencedera dengan tidak sengaja: accidentally injure
- mencegah dari menghalangi: prevent from; prevented from; preventing from
- mencecerkan: spill
- mencegah kelaparan: keep the wolf from the door; keeping the wolf from the door; kept the wolf from the door
- mencecar . terus: plied with; ply with
- mencegah keluar: lock in